Small Groups

There is a variety of small groups run by members of Adeyfield Free Church. These groups are the perfect way to get to know other people better, to study the Bible and to develop your faith and relationship with God in a safe and comfortable environment. The groups meet either at the church or take place in people’s homes across Hemel Hempstead on a weekly or fortnightly basis. The groups are normally made up of 8 – 10 people with one or two leaders.
The groups all have their own distinctive characteristics: some are more heavily focussed on Bible study, whilst others have a more social aspect. They are open to Christians and non-Christians alike. Partners and families are all welcome to join in the social activities run by these groups.
Below is a brief description of the current groups. We recommend you come along and visit a few groups to see which suits you best.
To find out more please contact Admin
Small Group - Alternate Mondays
1.30 - 2.45pm Church Lounge
We are a small but friendly group of all ages who meet to share our lives together and to study the Bible. We start with tea/coffee and cakes and catch up with each other informally. We study the Bible notes given by our Minister, helping each other look at aspects of the Bible and discuss how it relates to our everyday lives. We pray for one another and for others who may be in need of our prayers, looking forward to seeing how God answers those prayers. We also have a social gathering for lunch from time to time. Anyone who would like to be part of this group is welcome. We meet in the church lounge, alternate Mondays in term time and usually in the school summer holidays .
Christine’s Group - Tuesdays twice a month
@10am-11.30am Church lounge
We are changing how we meet from January so these details may change. We usually start with catch up. Then we follow the weekly small group notes and enjoy the discussion questions. We also have a chance to pray for each other or issues that are on our hearts.
Zem and Pam’s Small Group - Every Wednesday
2 – 4 pm
There are twelve people in our small group at the moment although we rarely all manage to attend each week. We take turns to host the meeting or meet in the church lounge. Usually there is tea or coffee and sometimes there’s cake! We enjoy worshipping and praying together and we study the Bible using the Minister’s weekly notes. We occasionally organise and run social events for the whole congregation and their friends.
We occasionally hold events to fundraise for the church. We sometimes meet together with spouses and friends to just enjoy eating, chatting, watching a film, singing or quizzing together. The love and support within the group has developed over time and as new members have arrived, they have become part of that support circle. It’s a joy and a privilege to be part of this small group.
Carol and Ian’s Small Group - Wednesday fortnightly
We meet at each other’s houses and are a very relaxed and informal group. The group is as much about support and care for each other, as it is Bible study. We normally follow the Minister’s notes or other books/subjects that members of the group suggest. We are a very social group. We have ‘social meetings’ every 2 months and in the past year these have included a bar-b-cue, an Italian evening, an evening walk followed by a pub meal, a games evening with pizza, a musical evening and a Christmas meal held at a local restaurant in Hemel Old Town. We love to welcome other family members who don’t come to the group to join us for the socials.